Mar 10, 2016 | Voting 2016
Vote for your favorite frequent flyer program in this years 2016 Freddie Awards. We’ve added two new languages to the ballot this year, Korean and Italian. Many programs are getting the vote out on Twitter and Facebook with some amazing campaigns in addition to their traditional messaging. We are looking forward to another great opportunity to help you be the voice of frequent flyers. Vote Now!
May 12, 2015 | 2015 Freddie Awards, Blog
This year saw some returning winners, some new and even some up and coming programs. Look inside and find out how close certain programs won by, you’ll be amazed how close the numbers were.
You can find all the details on our Winners page and even download a booklet that contains all the percentages.
Apr 18, 2014 | 2014 Freddie Awards
It’s almost time for the big event and the House of Miles is packing up the last of the boxes for Seattle. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at the 2014 Freddie Awards!