Randy Petersen, founder of Milepoint and FlyerTalk, founder/editor/publisher of InsideFlyer magazine and founder of the Freddie Awards takes to the stage to welcome everyone to the 2012 Freddie Awards Ceremony – 10 gallon hat and all. The Freddie Awards were introduced in 1988 and allow members of frequent traveler programs to vote for their favorites. The awards took a two-year break during which time the Frequent Traveler Awards carried on the tradition.

He’s got the crowd’s attention and the night begins … He’s been gone for two years and he has missed us all, but the Freddies are back! He never gets tired of hearing from the frequent traveler. The first live Freddie event hosted 70 people and tonight, there are almost 400 here.

And now Randy brings out — a birthday cake! Tomorrow is the birthday of a very special frequent flyer program – the 20th birthday of SAS EuroBonus. Happy Birthday EuroBonus! Warren Edgren and Etienne Thessman of SAS join him on stage.

Randy points out that Freddie Laker, Jr. is in the audience tonight and the Freddie Awards continue to honor his father for his contribution to the industry.

And now, Randy introduces Emmy-award winner, Robert Wuhl…